Science fiction

Anthony Daniels

I fetched the autograph personally at FedCon 28 in Bonn at June 8th, 2019.

Anthony Daniels was a sponsored guest at FedCon and also determined the timing of his autograph sessions himself. When we, Manu and I, came out of Bruce Boxleitner's panel at 12 noon on Saturday, we were able to queue directly in front of the panel room. There we stayed until about 1:20 pm. Anthony Daniels, who in the meantime had been drinking coffee with the fans in the queue, had to go to his photoshoot. Manu had a Photoshoot ticket for Saturday and at least got her picture with Mr. C-3PO. Then we returned to the queue. Anthony Daniels also took another break because he wanted to eat something. But finally, at about 4 pm, we got our turn. Anthony Daniels turned out to be very polite and lovable and when Manu told him how nervous and excited she was, he even got up and gave her a hug to reassure her. Me, I didn’t get a hug, but a very nice autograph and I am very happy with it.

Jeremy Bulloch

I fetched this autograph personally at the Movie Days 2013.

Sooo sweet. A modest, elderly gentleman, who was there with his wife. He even remembered seeing me waiting outside, because when he arrived, he remarked to his wife, that I would probably freeze (no wonder, after I stood one and a half hour in a freezing wind patiently waiting). He asked me if I was feeling better now. He was also very interested in my picture and wanted to know if it was difficult to build.

Dave Prowse

I fetched this autograph personally at the Movie Days 2013.

He's now a nice, elderly man. He was a little puzzled, 'cause he couldn't remember the picture from the movies - and really thrilled when he learned I created it myself.

Mike Edmonds

I fetched this autograph personally at the German Comic Con Dortmund on December 4th, 2016.

I bought it spontaneously, so I had no template prepared, but to choose one of the pictures he had brought with him.

Alan Harris

I fetched this autograph personally at the German Comic Con Dortmund on December 4th, 2016.

I bought it spontaneously, so I had no template prepared, but to choose one of the pictures he had brought with him.

He was so sweet. He is very interested in names and he was particularly impressed by my gilrfriend's name (it's Manu respectively Manuela) because he had never met someone with that name. Showing us the correponding autograph remplate he told us he was supposed to play a Super Stormtrooper in the original script. However, that role was later changed to the one of Boba fett, played by Jeremy Bulloch (a close friend of him who made him go to conventions 15 years ago), whose costume was a slightly modified version of the Super Stormtrooper. When my gilrffiend told him she was 43 and a Star Wars fan for most of her life, he called her a "youngster" and mentioned that he was 78 years old. Encouraged by the relaxed atmosphere, I said, but he did not look a day older than 77 - he laughed and said he'd love my sense of humor. I quickly made my "proof photo" of him with my autograph, then we said goodbye. However, he called me back again, because I had left my name tag lying with him.

Dermot Crowley

I fetched this autograph personally at the Power of the Force II in Oberhausen on August 5th, 2018.

Michael Carter

I fetched this autograph personally at the Power of the Force II in Oberhausen on August 5th, 2018.

Silas Carson

I fetched this autograph personally at the Power of the Force II in Oberhausen on August 5th, 2018.

Michael Culver

I fetched this autograph personally at the Power of the Force II in Oberhausen on August 5th, 2018.

Paul Blake

I fetched this autograph personally at the Power of the Force II in Oberhausen on August 5th, 2018.

I wore a T-shirt with my profile picture and Paul Blake greeted me with a hearty "Allons-y!" and continued in French. When I stated that I could not speak French, he asked for other languages, such as Italian, Spanish, etc. As he did not speak German, our common language was English ... and a little schoolboy. On my remark that my T-shirt is the wrong fandom, he said. I should stick to it, the Duck is much cooler.

Mike Quinn

I fetched this autograph personally at the Power of the Force II in Oberhausen on August 5th, 2018.

Milke Quinn also greeted me with "Allons-y!" and when I asked him to write a dedication to "Ducky," I had to explain to him that besides "Star" wars, "Doctor Who" and "Donald Duck" are among my passions, so he told me that he did had been on stage with David Tennant for two weeks, and was one of the Muppets on the Muppets Live Show.

Ken Colley

I fetched this autograph personally at the Power of the Force II in Oberhausen on August 5th, 2018.

Matthew Wood

I fetched this autograph personally at the Power of the Force II in Oberhausen on August 5th, 2018.

Angus MacInnes

I fetched this autograph personally at the Power of the Force II in Oberhausen on August 5th, 2018.

Jack Klaff

I fetched this autograph personally at the Power of the Force II in Oberhausen on August 5th, 2018.

Jack Klaff, who arrived on Sunday, greeted me with a hearty "Guten Morgen" and a little discussion developed over whether German or English was the easier language
